Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of an era of my Happiest days @ Happiest Minds !!!

This is my first and last post of 2013. Where, 45 mins left in 2013. And, Its time for me to retrospect last couple of years at Happiest Minds.

     It was a great interview experience. Being an early bird in Happiest Minds, I got that special privilege of skipping those boring aptitude rounds as a fresher. Instead, I got a problem statement to be cracked and solved as a real case study. Loved it like Heaven! Was very interesting phase of interview. Finally, After clearing a couple of more technical rounds, I was interviewed by Happiness Evangelist - Sharon Andrew. This again was a cool concept of Happiest Minds that none other companies really do in the market. EOD, I was announced "Through In" by HR. And, Joined office on October 5th.

Initial days:
     Being 45th employee of a wannabe world class company, What more can you expect than to be introduced to Chairman and Founder of a serial global companies like Mindtree, Happiest Minds - Mr. Ashok Soota. I was really blessed to work with people like Sajan, Mak, Ravi & Ravi, Nanda, Gautam, Vaibhav etc.. Learnt a lot from each of these guys. Undoubtedly, I will be indebted to these guys for all my success.

First 8 months in Happiest Minds will be the "Golden Era" of my career. Got chance to learn and practice best of the market technologies, learn market trends, see business and experience niche management practices in companies. I'm really proud to have been there and done that. It was a great and fast learning experience.

A year old baby:
      The day when i completed my first year in Happiest Minds is when i started getting that confident and happy feeling about myself. When i tried to see what all i tried in 1 year, I was over joyed by the celebration of completing my first year in IT industry. But, Learning never slowed for me Happiest Minds. It was because of the great support of people like Ravi Vemuri and Ravi Bonu that, I got reverberating motivation and comfortable environment to learn, question and understand people.

      Projects kept on changing for me periodically. i.e At the checkpoint of first year, I was working in my 4th Project! Which were all in different technologies, domains and people. With love for web and mobility, I was motivated towards HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript for the first 1 year. Loved it to the core :)

The Next 1 Year:
      Right after completing my first year at Happiest Minds, I was posted to a client location - 24/7 Customer. Never did i ever imagine that, this temporary exit would be my last work stay at Happiest Minds. With a very skeptical readiness, I finally landed on the firing ground of 24/7 iLabs. Though the initial days were really hard and tough, Things went really good on my way. Lot of new concepts, great people, excellent management, good to work platform were the typical characteristics at iLabs.

     iLabs was a place with rapid pace in project progress and deployment. Crunching deadlines, challenging expectations and logical work made me more stable to accustom to IT industry. This was the place where i learnt the process and engineering to the core. Excellent people in iLabs, without whom i would have never been able to comfortably understand a platform like PxOE. Special thanks to all the Happiest Minds team in iLabs, Without whom i should have been left dumbfolded in 24/7 office.

Final days:
      With an immense pain and hard sentiments for both 24/7 iLabs and Happiest Minds, It was really hard for me to get out of the attachment with all the people and places i have been loving for around 2 years now. But, the reason for me to depart from Happiest Minds won against the sentiments which was bothering me. With a solid decision to start Slamigo full time made me resign from Happiest Minds.

      These were very hard days, I had to eat out a lot pain by myself. More than anything else, I was more sentimental about my employee ID in Happiest Minds - 45 (Already there were 2000 people by now !!)

      With best wishes from all my seniors, colleagues, management etc.. from Happiest Minds, My last day in Happiest Minds was on 26th December which turned out to be a very sorrowful day for me with lot of lonely feeling. Whatever, i will miss this place and people forever.

Thanks a lot you all for everything!!!

Will meet you guys again.



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